Where We Work
We are very proud of our mission-driven, innovative, and award-winning work in communities of all sizes in over 20 states.
Projects Spotlight
Palm Beach, FL: ZoneCo has been selected by the Town of Palm Beach to rewrite its zoning code for the first time since 1974. This venerable barrier island of only 3.80 square miles, is some of the most highly sought after real estate in the world. Extreme development pressures and sea-level rise issues are resulting in incompatible development patterns. Updates to the zoning code are necessary to address these long-term issues. Many have left their mark on Palm Beach, and ZoneCo is proud to be entrusted by the Town for this important project. www.palmbeachzoning.com
Portsmouth, OH: ZoneCo led the zoning code re-write for the historic Ohio River Valley city of Portsmouth, Ohio. With a stable population of 20,000, Portsmouth’s historic building stock and strategic location on one of the world’s busiest industrial waterways makes it a strong candidate for an economic rebirth. The Portsmouth zoning code is now one of the most equitable zoning codes in America.
Huntsville, AL: ZoneCo is proud to have led the creation of three new mixed-use village districts in one of the fastest-growing cities in the Southeast and popular tech hub, Huntsville, Alabama. Huntsville, located in Northern Alabama and with a population of 220,000, is now the largest city in Alabama.
We assisted Huntsville in creating a mixed-use village zoning district that will allow for a number of their corridors to become vibrant livable villages within a city.
Gaithersburg, MD: ZoneCo is excited to be leading the zoning code re-write for one of the most diverse metropolitan cities in the country and popular biomedical hub, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Gaithersburg, located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and with a population of 70,000 is one of the largest cities in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is also home to two of the most innovative new urbanist communities in the America - Kentlands and Lakelands. https://www.retoolgaithersburg.com/
Lexington, KY: Lexington’s New Circle Road is a notorious urban commercial beltway that is dominated by auto-oriented commercial development. ZoneCo worked alongside a team of professionals to craft new village zoning for large parcels in B-3 zones along New Circle Road. Imagine New Circle Road is a multi-year project to reimagine the built environment of this critical pathway through the Bluegrass. https://imaginelexington.com/node/407
South Bend, IN: Form-based code. Winner of 2021 Driehaus Award! Form-Based Code Institute, Smart Growth America, Peter Park, Chair
Danville, VA: ZoneCo is proud to be leading the Re-Code of the Danville zoning code, last rewritten in 2004. The City of Danville has a rich history and its incredible historic building stock has experienced a renaissance in recent years. It is time for the city’s zoning code to catch up to the new reality in Danville and implement PLAN Danville (adopted 2024).
Boston, MA: ZoneCo is proud to be part of the Matrix Consulting team working with Boston to improve its Article 80 development review processes. Working with the BPDA, we are devising a new system of impact mitigation and community benefits for the City of Boston.